Nigerians score Buhari’s first year into 2nd term, rate their governors.

Yesterday, May 29 2020 marked one year that President Muhammadu Buhari commenced his second tenure in office. Nigerians across the states of the federation have therefore bared their minds on their assessment of the president’s performance in the first 365 days of his final term. While some gave him a pat on the back, many believed the president has disappointed them as his administration was characterized by unfulfilled promises. They also passed verdicts on their state governors. We begin with their appraisal of the President’s performance.


We have a surrogate presidency

Lawyer and former President of the Movement for the Survival of Ogoni People (MOSOP), Mr Ledum Mite said, “at no time in the history of our country can it be said that we have witnessed lack of leadership when it was most needed from the centre of power as we have had in this last one year in the second term of the Buhari presidency. Either he’s tired or overwhelmed but there are enough reasons to give credence to the public perception that we have a surrogate presidency that sees Nigeria mostly from the North with little attention to the South especially the Niger Delta. How else can we explain that one kilometre has not been added to the East West Road since this administration came to power or the often exposed lopsided appointments?”

Zik Gbemre, Coordinator, Niger Delta Peace Coalition said, “There is no electricity, there is insecurity, increased poverty, dilapidated infrastructure, promise and fail in all aspects of the economy. Unemployment rate is increasing daily. Higher institutions are producing unemployable graduates.

Plans are on paper without implementation, There is no direction on his leadership today. These are all we see. It’s so disappointing.”


Nothing seems to be working

Father Joseph Opelema, Vicar General Diocese of Bomadi and Vice chairman, Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) Bayelsa State chapter said: “My expectations from this administration were high. However after five years in office I feel disappointed. I had thought that knowing the current trend of events in the globe in addition to the cry of the common Nigerian for a decent and orderly society this administration would have embarked on reforms which should lead to the strengthening of institutions. Unfortunately corruption remains a monster, insecurity level remains high, rule of law is not upheld, the economy continues to struggle, our educational system remains unproductive and our institutions remain weak. Nothing seems to be working as ordinary Nigerians continue to hope and pray for a ‘messiah’. Most disappointing is the flawed electoral process that cries for urgent reforms. I had expected a more urgent and aggressive approach to settling the numerous problems confronting the nation but unfortunately the President is taking his time and allowing business to be as usual.”

Joseph Ambakederimo, Convener, South South Reawakening Group said: “It’s been a mixed bag so far.

No doubt, there were positive signs that the economy was headed for a smooth ride until the Covid -19 Pandemic. The real sector was being bolstered by improved transportation sector with almost all the railway projects completed. Agriculture was on the upswing, new investment in oil and gas were embarked upon by the international oil companies as a result of governments meeting their cash call obligations, the new fiscal and tax regime, the vigorous pursuit of ease of doing business and a whole lot of others. Therefore, some dexterity was brought to bear in the management of the economy within the year and I am optimistic that the best is yet to come after the Covid-19 Pandemic would have been contained.”

Eric Omare, immediate past President, Ijaw Youth Council (IYC) worldwide said: “In my opinion, the performance of the Buhari administration in the last one year is mixed. The government has done relatively well in the area of trying to expose some corrupt practices in the past and consolidating on some good policies of the past administration such as the policy to stop salary fraud in the civil services, TSA, the railway projects. However, in other areas such as management of the economy, the power sector, critical road infrastructures such as the East West road, the administration has not lived up to expectations. Above all Nigeria is lacking in strong leadership direction. President Buhari needs to take more responsibility for actions and activities under his administration.


PMB has not provided pragmatic leadership

Mr Gabriel Eyide, a chieftain of the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP in Delta state believed President Muhammadu Buhari has not done well in the last one year. “To be candid PMB has not fared well politically, socially and economically. Nigeria is at a crossroads in all facets of national integration and development with so much policy somersaults persuaded by ethnic considerations and religious bigotry. For instance, PMB recently enjoined Nigerian farmers to increase and improve their production because according to him he has no money for food importation yet farmers are daily harassed and killed in their thousands in farms across the country allegedly by herdsmen and PMB and his administration could not check them. The security situation in the country under his watch is nothing to commend even in his home state, Katsina. Comparatively, the security atmosphere today is more precarious than PMB’s first democratic coming with the perpetrators more emboldened in their criminality. In all ramifications, PMB and his administration have failed Nigerians because the cardinal responsibility of government is security of lives and properties of the citizenry which is not being provided by this administration. PMB has not provided enough pragmatic leadership to rekindle trust, confidence “.


No aspect of Nigeria’s life has improved

Former Chief Whip of te Senate, Roland Owie said he wept for Nigeria after the first year of the second term of President Muhammadu Buhari saying the former Peoples Democratic Party led government was far better than what is happening today. He said: “The Edos have a parable which says ‘if one encounters deadly armed robbers, one will begin to pray for pocket pickets’, that is the situation in Nigeria today compared to the previous Peoples Democratic Party federal government. There is no aspect of Nigeria’s life today that has improved since this regime came on board. Above all, the security of lives and properties in Nigeria is almost zero as herdsmen are terrorising Nigerians across the country, including President Muhammadu Buhari’s state of Katsina, carrying AK-47 without fear.

30 years after they tried to balkanise Nation: Nigeria is almost a failed state — Tony Nyiam
A map of Nigeria


Outbreak of COVID-19 truncates government plans

Mr Effiong Abia, former Commissioner for Rural Development and Chieftain of APC said, “the President came into office with renewed and more focused determination. The focus has been enhanced by his experience in office. He now has a clear understanding of Nigeria in the 21st century than when he was the Head of State. People now have confidence in him in terms of transparency and accountability in governance and the fight against corrupt practices. The economy also witnessed a significant improvement before the outbreak of the Covid 19 pandemic which seems to have slowed down the world economy.

Professor Chris Ekong, Department of Economics, University of York, said, “The first year into the second term of the Buhari administration started on a promising note with policies focused at addressing mostly, infrastructure deficiency and power. However, health and education sectors were still plagued with inconsistent policies and budgetary provisions. With COVID 19 pandemic however, the administration witnessed a total reversal in plans and objectives. The need for special funding to combat the pandemic coupled with the near zero earnings from oil, the main export revenue earner of the country, sent shock waves to government plans: the budget had to be suspended as it was no more implementable. The education sector is still struggling with government doing little or less to address issues emanating from the sector. Funding of education is so poor and government’s management of its relationship with various stakeholders in the region is generally not assertive. The anti corruption stand of the government seems threatened with many obvious cases being overlooked. However, government’s commitment to undertake forensic audit of an intervention agency like NDDC is very commendable. Such decision should be extended to other MDAs.


PMB administration has failed woefully in security, economy, fight against corruption

A former Nigerian Ambassador to Switzerland and an elder statesman Yahaya Kwande said President Muhammadu Buhari should focus on issues that would end hunger in the land. His words, “The President should work hard and protect Nigerians from this coronavirus so that ordinary people could have something to do and eat. There are two diseases now, one is the coronavirus, the other is the hunger virus. Something must be done to address both.”

The State Governorship candidate of the Action Democratic Party, ADP in the 2019 election, Brigadier-General Jon Temlong on his part said: “I think the President has tried his best in this situation we find ourselves. He has shown leadership trying to pull the country out from the pandemic and at the same time trying to maintain sanity in the economy and then tackling the security challenges facing the country. While he is tackling these, he should not forget the need for food security too.”

A former Member representing Jos South/Jos East federal constituency in the National Assembly maintained that “Inflation has worsened, on exchange rates, the value of the naira is lowest since 1999, economy has collapsed and unemployment is highest in West African sub-region if not beyond. Insecurity has deteriorated, it’s safer to rely on Amotekun, hunters and vigilantes than government security apparatus. Government has now resorted to propaganda in the war against insurgency. Video clips of Air Force bombardments in a war zone are recycled virtually every week. It is crystal clear that the PMB administration has failed woefully on all the three fronts of his campaign – security, economy, fight against corruption.”

To a former State Chairman of the People’s Democratic Party, Dr. Haruna Dabin, “We have an absentee government, I can only pray that when we recover government, things will get better because there are too many controversies, and too many challenges and to cap it all, coronavirus. It is very unfortunate.”


Govt only impoverishing more Nigerians

Mathias Baba Tsado, Former ADP presidential aspirant in 2919 said “the very essence of government anywhere in the world is to solve problems and improve the living conditions of the people within the country. After receiving the mandate of the people for another four years, the APC led government has not been able to satisfy the needs of the people that voted them into power. Before the recent events of Covid-19, the president had promised to lift 100m people out of poverty, but sadly today Nigeria seems to be progressing only in adding to the number of poor people. Unemployment rate is at alarming 24%, youth unemployment is almost 40%, small businesses have continued to struggle, the state of our infrastructure is in bad shape, millions of people don’t have access to good homes, public education is in horrible condition, the state of our health sector is terrible as confirmed even by the Secretary to the Federal Government. Generally the morale of an average Nigerian is at all-time low. The government also displayed certain attitude that is alien to the practice of democracy by clamping down on critics and some members of opposition. This was bad to the extent that one national newspaper changed the President’s title from President to Major General.


Buhari has failed to fulfill his many campaign promises

An insurance magnate, Mr Funsho Amos based was not impressed with the performance of President Muhammadu Buhari in his one year of his second term. He said, “in the area of security, he tried and in the aspect of fighting corruption I can score him 70%, while on Education, Health and Roads, I score him 60%. To an average mind, this could be seen as pass mark but as for me I expected far beyond this performance from our president, even though I know that I’m generous with the marks,that I awarded him”

Pharmacist Temitope Popoola-Anafi said “As for me, President Muhammadu Buhari has tried in the last one year, but not as expected of him. The president can however do much better in the next three years. I remember so many promises he made during the campaigns, but what we have now in the area of performance is a far cry to that. Though the problem of Covid-19 could be part of the hindrance to his performance, even at that things are still generally very bad. I also understand that there were so many challenges created by the past administrations in Nigeria that can not be quickly overcome in eight years.”


Buhari has performed well

Alhaji Ahmed Lawal, the organizing Secretary of Adamawa State chapter of the All Progressive Congress, APC has rated President Muhammadu Buhari high in performance in the first year of his second tenure. He argued that the President’s performance has been tremendous despite challenges of glut in the oil market. Lawal stated that the country’s economy has been stable as social and economic activities were flourishing as they should be. According to him, “I commend the President for the way the administration is handling the issue of security now. Boko haram which had hitherto been the main security threat to the country has been degraded. Our military has been having the upper hand against the insurgency in the last one year, even though, it is difficult to defeat insurgents instantly. Also, bandits and kidnappers that have hitherto held the country to ransom, especially in the North Western part of the country have been defeated by the military. Similarly, vital projects like the Ajaokuta Steel Mill, the second Niger Bridge, the Rail Projects between Kaduna and Abuja as well as the express linking Ibadan and Lagos are at completion stages while some have been put into use. Road Projects embarked upon in different parts of the country are signs that the Buhari led Federal Government is a serious minded administration.


There’s nothing to cheer about this government

Mrs. Rebecca Apedzan, a former National Assembly member and an advocate for women’s rights argued that “there is nothing to cheer about the government. Instead of making progress we are retrogressing. The government is simply not taking us anywhere. If you compare where we were before the coming of this administration in 2015 and where we are today, you will agree with me that this government has failed Nigerians. The government succeeded in worsening our economic condition. Ask yourself, what was the exchange rate when this government took over the country and what is the exchange rate today? It is at that point that you will understand what I am talking about because the exchange rate determines the condition of living and prices of goods and services in this country. Regrettably since this government came our exchange rate has gone out of control and all the gains recorded by the last administration have been eroded in the last five years, and that is the truth we must tell ourselves. That is why we are not making progress but retrogressing and everyone is worse off for it.

Dr. Francis Ottah Agbo is the National Assembly member representing, Ado/Okpokwu/Ogbadibo Federal constituency. He said, I am disappointed at the lopsided manner in which appointments were made in the country by the APC. The gap of unity is widening under the APC administration. The federal government must consciously grow the unity of this country. I am a northerner but how do you want the southerners to feel in this country where all positions are ceded to the north. The social life of this country is being disconnected because of the actions of the President. What a leadership does is to create a sense of value and sense of belonging which has eluded Nigerians under the present APC government. The APC led federal government has institutionalized sectional leadership. The same thing is happening at the Petroleum Resources Ministry. How do you want the people of the south south who produce the oil to feel about the lopsided appointments? It is obviously tearing us parts

Dr Sam Ode, former Minister of State for Niger Delta however said, what gladdens our hearts particularly is the Keffi-Akwanga-Lafia-Makurdi road dualisation which is going on at a very fast pace. There is also a plan to move it to Otukpo and down to Enugu. This is a major gateway between the East and the North of Nigeria. For us there can be no better thing the President would have done for us.


Buhari’s administration characterized by unfulfilled promises

Hon. Abba Anas Adamu, former member of the House of Representatives, described Buhari’s administration as a total failure saying his five years in office were characterized by insecurity, banditry, kidnapping, economy recession, corruption and other untold hardships. He said “Nigerians’ hope has been dashed and the trust reposed on President Buhari has been betrayed with unfulfilled promises. Even in his state of origin Katsina, scores of people have been killed on daily basis while several others have abandoned their homes. Unemployment among the northern youths has led to their migration to the southern part of the country to earn a living. President Buhari’s regime is nothing but a total failure.

Bala Usman Chamo, the Coordinator of Social Investment Program (SIP) in Jigawa state, however believed that “President Muhammad Buhari’s leadership was a blessing to Nigeria and Nigerians having introduced various empowerment programmes aimed at improving the lot of Nigerians especially youth and women through N-Power program, Trader Monies, SIP among others. He equally provided grants to entrepreneurs and loans to small and medium enterprises on single digit interest rate of 5% under the NIRSAL. President Buhari is an epitome of change, transparency and accountability in governance, his contribution in lifting the standard living of Nigerians is a thing of pride and worthy of commendation and emulation by any progressive thinking leader and citizen”.


Security challenges, COVID-19 pandemic haunted Buhari’s first year after reelection

A former Minister of Labour and Productivity, Joel Ikenya said the first year of president Muhammadu Buhari’s second term was disturbed by security threats in different parts of the country and the global COVID-19 pandemic which was still ravaging global economy. He said these distractions have slowed the pace of more work that could have been done by this administration, hence the little success recorded in Buhari’s second first 365 days in office.

According to him, “the challenge of security is still enormous and needs to be tackled head long. There is also the need for more synergy between the Federal and State governments. Moreover, the COVID-19 pandemic has grossly affected government functions too and that is why the Federal government needs to look inward, especially on other sources of revenue. Government policies should henceforth be geared toward internal sources to increase our IGR and GDP so that we won’t depend solely on the revenue generated from crude oil which in recent time has disappointed us.”


The only thing still working is crude propaganda

The spokesperson for Afenifere, Yinka Odumakin said ,”It has been one year of very much of the same which has only confirmed our take that nothing new would happen under the current structure. The advent of Coronavirus has opened the underbelly of the dysfunctionality of the whole arrangement. A rudderless governance system has now created a situation where individuals in government appear to be working for themselves with all the rivalries and open bickering and infighting. We have never seen this kind of uncoordination in governance in the country before. The only thing that is still working like in the first term is the crude propaganda.

In his own assessment, the Director of Media and Publicity of PDP on Ondo state, Zadok Akintoye said, “it is unfortunate that the country has to bear the burden of a presidency that is both weak and administratively incapable of providing the desired leadership as sought by Nigerians. For us as a party, the Buhari administration has not shown deep commitment to the need to unite this country for the attainment of its potentials.


Buhari has performed creditably

Senator Ayo Arise, Chairman, Senate Committee on Privatization in the 6th senate, said that the President Muhammadu Buhari led Federal Government has done creditably well, despite the mirage of challenges confronting the administration. According to him, “the past few months have witnessed a challenge all over the World with coronavirus pandemic but the news that Siemens is going to move our power generation and supply from 7000 starting from next year to about 20,000 in 2023 is a very welcome development. Obviously, this is our greatest challenge in this country, challenge to our growth and industrialisation. Though, things are still rather tough but this can’t be attributed to any fault of the government. The response on the Covid 19 too, is quite commendable. We have not lost as many people as we have been reading from other countries and what needed to be done, was actually done in terms of blockade, interstate travel and lockdown of major cities. I believe the government has responded well within what is available. However, I want to see additional efforts in the area of security. From what we are hearing, the government has acquired some sophisticated aircraft to ensure they are able to locate these terrorists and wipe them out. We can’t really live comfortably if there is no security. We still need to work on creation of jobs.


Security situation has worsened

Nigeria’s ex-envoy to the Philippines, Ambassador Yemi Farounbi said the first year of President Muhammadu Buhari’s second term “has been a year of not recording anything spectacular or important in terms of expectations of Nigerians. In his first term, he promised to work on economy, corruption and security. He re-emphasised this in the second term but what is remarkable about the first year of the second term is that the security situation has worsened, the Fulani herdsmen have become the most dreadful terrorist group in Nigeria. And now, the current case of concern is the large scale movement of able bodied young men to the southern part of the country despite the existence of ban on interstate movement and curfew across the country. There is also the promise to revive the economy and power by 2021-22 But the outbreak of covid 19 has made it somehow impossible to comment on government achievement on the economy


Nigerians appear more divided than 30 years ago

Secretary General of the Yoruba Council of Elders, YCE, Dr Kunle Olajide in his own assessment of President Buhari’s one year of his second term said,”When he assumed office in 2015, there were a lot of high expectations as corruption had almost eaten up the whole country. Months after his assumption of office, Nigerians were however discouraged especially in his appointments which were considered ethnic-oriented. When challenged, he said he appointed those he trusted. Nigerians appear more divided than 30 years ago. Though, he exposed corruption and recovered stolen funds, he focused more on opposition which he ensured he weakened so as to pave way for his second term in office. If you refuse to comply with federal character in our Constitution which supports even distribution of political offices, then it means corruption. He did well by accelerating Lagos-Ibadan expressway, and also railway line, which he did at a very great expense. These infrastructure are not commensurate with huge sums of funds voted for them. Again, in the last five years, atrocities of Fulani herders are unparalleled in the history of this country. So, when we talk about unity and peace, I don’t give any credit to his administration. I will advise him to commit himself to legacy projects in the last few years of his administration.”


COVID-19 has eroded Buhari’s gains

Senator Gbenga Obadara, Chairman Senate Committee on Privatisation at the 7th Assembly said, “with regard to the performance of the President in the second term it is unfortunate that COVID-19 pandemic has eroded whatever has been gained and coupled with the low revenue that is coming into the purse of the government. Poverty is ravaging the whole country presently and it is very pathetic and alarming but we need to do more in agriculture and other areas of our economy.


It has been all motion, no movement

The publicity secretary of Ohanaeze Ndigbo, Prince Uche Achi-Okpaga has described President Buhari’s one year of his second term as a failure. He particularly lamented the security situation in the country. According to him, “the primary duty of any well meaning government is security and welfare of her subjects. There is no gainsaying that the rate of insecurity in Nigeria is alarming. Boko Haram terrorists, killer herdsmen, flooding of southern Nigeria with suspected jihadists but masquerading as almajiris and so on. Look at the Enugu International Airport that was closed late last year and opening of the airport is not in sight, regardless of the Covid 19 brohaha. How has

that improved the welfare of the people? It would be harsh to say that the government has not achieved anything within the last one year but I would prefer the government to showcase such to Nigerians.

But whatever that may be adduced as achievements would easily be dwarfed by insecurity and visible selective justice. “On the economy, there is no appreciable improvement at all. Instead, it is nose-diving ceaselessly and the huge amount of money looted and said to have been recovered by the EFCC and the repatriated Abacha loot could not be injected to improve the economy. As at today, proper account of the looted and recovered funds is yet to be rendered to Nigerians. Like I would always say, all motion, no movement”,

Residents assess their governors’ performance

Gov Nyesom Ezenwo Wike, Rivers

FORMER President, Nigeria Bar Association, NBA, and Senior Advocate of Nigeria, SAN, OCJ Okocha said: “We celebrate even in this very troubling times and doff our hats for the man, who we elected to govern Rivers State. His first year in the second tenure has been successful and I hope and pray that the succeeding years from now up till the 29th of May, 2023 will also be happy years for which we will celebrate and thank God that at this point in time a man called Nyesom Ezenwo Wike was our governor.”

Rivers elder statesman, Chief Emmanuel Anyanwu, said, “We believe in him and are happy with his success in office. The entire elders and the state are behind him. Let people say if he had not managed infrastructural development very well, including human beings. Governor Wike is in touch with his people as a grassroots leader. Without him, there would not be PDP in Nigeria. He has supported people in leadership to succeed in all areas he had served.”

Gov Ifeanyi Okowa, Delta

In Delta state, many believe that Governor Ifeanyi Okowa has done relatively well to stabilize the state and constructed some roads, but they want more development spread across the state, especially in the riverine areas.

Chairman Itsekiri Leaders of Thought and prominent lawyer in Warri, Chief Edward Ekpoko said the government should pay more attention to rural communities. “For the Okowa’s administration, so far so good in terms of road construction and maintenance. For the rural areas, much more needs to be done, especially in the three Warri local government areas. 90 per cent of the communities are in rural and difficult terrain. The government should pay more attention to this.”

The organizing secretary of the opposition APC, Mr Sunny Mene, came down hard on Governor Okowa. His words: “The assessment of the second term of the Governor of Delta State, Dr. Ifeanyi Okowa in terms of development and good governance can best be described as tokenism. He has done so little with so much resources. Please permit me to avail you with a few examples. Warri town that was described in the 1970s and 1980s as an oil boom city has become a sprawling slum. The Effurun round-about to old Nigeria Ports Authority, N.P.A. road has remained abandoned. The town is a shadow of its old self despite the 13 per cent derivation fund and the creation of DESOPADEC.

“The major oil producing communities of Warri South, Warri North and Warri Southwest lack potable water, have no viable primary and secondary schools and primary and secondary health facilities. Actually, since Dr. Ifeanyi Okowa came on board, DESOPADEC has not had a budget. Projects are by the whims and caprices of the operators, only meant as a means of withdrawing money from the system. We cannot point at any legacy project. The Ughelli-Asaba road through Ozoro remains uncompleted. The Covid-19 pandemic has completely exposed the Delta state lack of health facilities. The Oghara Teaching Hospital is a complete embarrassment to the people of Delta State. Mortality rate there compared to other Teaching Hospitals is very high. Dr. Ifeanyi Okowa is a medical doctor, let him go and see what is happening there. That Hospital requires very urgent intervention.

“We note that the Covid-19 lockdown has slowed down development all over the world, particularly in the last two months leading to a world recession. However, a proactive government ought to be investing in infrastructure to create a Delta state that will not depend entirely on oil revenue. In this regard, the Delta state government under Dr. Ifeanyi Okowa is just boxing shadows.

Gov Douye Diri, Bayelsa

The Senator Douye Diri- led administration in Bayelsa state clocked 100 days in office, last weekend, having been sworn in on February 14, 2020, a day after the Supreme Court declared him as duly elected on February 13. Just as the administration was settling down, the ravaging coronavirus pandemic struck with a grave socio-economic implication on the state and the country at large.

However, the government has kick-started its urban renewal programme with the demolition of illegal structures around the Swali suburb of the state capital as well as Edepie-Etegwe axis, host to the popular Tombia roundabout connecting the University town of Amassoma in Southern Ijaw council area, Imiringi and other communities in Ogbia council area of the state and several other communities within Yenagoa local government area where the last administration planned to construct a flyover to ease free flow of traffic on the usually busy route.

Accordingly, he had promised an alternative route to be opened through restarting of the work on the abandoned AIT/Elebele road that leads to Igbogene in order to decongest and reduce the traffic gridlock at the Edepie/Etegwe roundabout.

Also, there has been remarkable improvement in power supply to the state as the governor, shortly after he assumed office, held several meetings with the management of the Port Harcourt Electricity Distribution Company on the provision of electricity to the people and has taken measures to ensure that whatever it was that made the state have poor electricity situation in the past was corrected.

Street light, which disappeared from the major roads in Yenagoa during the last administration are gradually being restored.

The issue of workers welfare is perhaps one area the administration deserves commendation, particularly in its handling of the gratuity of retirees which backlog dates back to 2008. During his campaign, he promised to prioritize the welfare of workers in the state. Today, he is fulfilling that promise and they are all happy. For him, the payment of pensioners and their gratuity is a priority just as the welfare of civil servants is and does not see it as an achievement because it is a responsibility he owes them.

Saturday Vanguard findings revealed that though the last government actually tried with the monthly payment of the pension of retirees, but there were issues with their gratuity. To this end, the Diri administration it was learned sets aside N200 million monthly to take care of the backlog of gratuity,

Gov Udom Emmanuel, Akwa Ibom

A Chieftain of All Progressives Congress, APC, in Akwa Ibom state, Etim Etim, said: ‘’I would score Udom Emmanuel 45 per cent overall and 30 per cent in one year into the second term. And that means he has not passed, nothing to show for the 1.3 trillion naira he has earned in five years. It is monumental failure. Uncompleted projects everywhere.”

He asserted: “There is no focus on food production and agriculture which would have helped the state, especially during this pandemic. All the food coming into Akwa Ibom are either from the North or Delta. We are very disappointed in the performance of the governor.”

“In education, he has not added anything to the free and compulsory education introduced by his predecessor. He has not renovated the classrooms. Everything is just what the last administration did in primary and secondary schools. They are now dilapidated.

“In health, I must acknowledge the fact that he renovated the general hospitals in Etinan, Oron, Uruan, and Uyo. Uyo being a cosmopolitan city needs two general hospitals,’’ he said.

Publicity Secretary of People’s Democratic Party, Iniobong Ememobong, however, countered him, saying: “The governor has done well. His footprints are in all sectors. In the management of Covid- 19, he has done excellently well. He has foresight. He is commissioning 300 beds Isolation Center and we don’t know when Covid 19 will end and things would improve.”

“Last year, we had education summit and if you go to the schools, you will see the efforts he has put into governance. It is rewarding. In political relations, the state has been peaceful. He has enthroned a peaceful environment for lives and property and businesses are thriving. Of course, we believe there is room for improvement and we trust that he would continue to do well,” he said.

Gov Ben Ayade, Cross River

Traditional ruler of Kasuk II Qua Clan in Calabar Municipal local government area, Cross River state, HRH Ntoe Ededem Ayito, told Saturday Vanguard that Gov Ayade has improved in his second term following his industrial and agricultural revolution in the state.

His words: “Many young people have become gainfully employed because of his giant strides in agriculture and he should be commended for that. In the industrial area, you can attest to the fact that the Garment factory has become a household name in the wake of COVID-19, so Ayade has really improved, his ideas and the policies he has implemented have greatly improved the economy of the state. But we want more in terms of infrastructure, we need him to fix connecting roads, both rural and urban as many roads have gone bad. Apart from that I think he has done well”.

Gov Simon Lalong, Plateau

Respondents in Plateau State expressed mixed feelings in assessing the State Governor, Simon Lalong.

A Lecturer with the University of Jos, Dr. Elias Lamle particularly frowned at the governor’s handling of the COVID-19 pandemic. He said, “what is happening during the coronavirus is very alarming and creating so much concern. As at now, Nigeria has 0.00012% of people infected, why will he allow lockdown to continue? I said it that lock down was going to increase the case in Plateau State because during lockdown, it is not the people that should be locked down but the borders in order to prevent people from entering but the governor didn’t care. He left the borders open until we now have many cases in the state. And then he allowed people to congregate after lockdown. He is a total failure in that area.”

The State People’s Democratic Party, PDP Caretaker Chairman, Yakubu Chocho argued that, “In governance naturally, there are areas of successes and failures but Lalong has performed dismally.

“On Coronavirus pandemic, even health workers are not safe. Six health workers have been infected because of the carelessness of the government that did not put machinery in place to curtail such. The Personal Protective Equipment was not provided while allowances of health workers were not paid. There is supposed to be lockdown but cars are seen everywhere as everyone claims to be on essential duty, we don’t even know who is who.”

Another citizen, Makut Macham noted that “In terms of security, Lalong’s performance is abysmal because in his first term, a lot of Plateau communities were displaced and one would have expected him to do something about it but communities in Plateau state were being attacked again. There has also been an increase in cultism within the Jos-Bukuru metropolis which I feel should have been nipped in the bud in the first one year. Many communities in Plateau that were known to be mainly farmers have been denied the opportunity of farming because of the attacks. One can see improvements in sports and ICT sectors with Plateau united and the new information technology agency making beautiful strides at home and abroad. But nothing much has changed and we only hope that the next three years will bring about the positive changes that the common Plateau man hopes for.”

Gov Nasir El-Rufai, Kaduna

In Kaduna, ADP presidential aspirant in 2919, Mathias Baba Tsado said Governor El-Rufai would have scored a pass mark by his management of scarcely available resources, but the government has failed to protect the citizens of the southern part of the state. According to him, “some report has it that over 100 people have been killed between January and now in the southern part of the state. This is a dent on the flamboyant media package we see on television and on social media about the governor of Kaduna state. Security of lives and properties is the number one responsibility of any government and any avoidable death must be blamed on the government. Sadly, no matter how a governor performed in other areas, once lives are being lost under his watch, such performance would be reduced to nothing. But for the sake of analysis, I think the governor has done well in some areas that are worth mentioning. The improvement in IGR is one of such, the various road constructions going on in the state are also commendable, but it’s important to call on the government of the state to spread the development even to areas that did not vote for him. That is the hallmark of good leadership. Several areas in the southern part of the state lack government interventions in terms of road infrastructure and other social services. And coupled with the high level of insecurity in the southern part of Kaduna town, this does not speak well of the Governor of Kaduna state.

Gov AbdulRahman AbdulRasaq, Kwara

Akogun Iyiola Oyedepo, a chieftain of APC in the state said “the present administration has not done badly and I believe in the coming years, they should be able to do more”, he said. Deacon Segun Abajo popularly known as Uncle Sage, a renowned Fashion Designer in Ilorin, said he was personally impressed by the prompt payment of workers salaries since the present government came on board. He said, “Satisfied hunger is the first in the hierarchy of needs, workers in the state have not seen any reason to go on strike in the last one year unlike the situation in the previous administrations in the state. Governor Abdulrazaq has also done very well in the areas of road repairs and road construction

Mr Sola Oloja a business man, said “the present administration has really tried in the area of health with the repairs of Sobi Specialist hospital and other state hospitals across the three senatorial districts in the state. He also did well in the area of education to the best of my knowledge. I however want to strongly advise him to focus on agriculture in the coming years.

Virtually all the chieftains of the opposition Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) contacted for reaction at different times bluntly declined comment saying that they didn’t want to be personally quoted.

This development, according to Saturday Vanguard checks might not be unconnected with the alleged political horse trading going on to woo a larger part of the opposition to join Governor AbdulRazaq’s administration to enable him win his second term bid in view of the clear crisis within the ruling All Progressives Congress (APC) in the state.

Gov Ahmadu Fintiri, Adamawa

On the one year in office of Governor Ahmadu Fintiri of Adamawa state, Alhaji Ahmed Lawal, the organizing Secretary of Adamawa State chapter of the All Progressive Congress, APC stated that the government was a complete failure. He said “devoid of any political sentiments as an opposition party, the present administration in Adamawa State has not initiated any project since it came on board much less of commissioning it. The 100 days in office of the immediate past APC government in the state were far better than the one year of the present PDP Government. I challenge the government to tell the people of Adamawa State the project it has initiated and completed.

Gov Samuel Ortom, Benue

Assessing Benue state Governor, Samuel Ortom’s first year in his second term, elder statesman and the immediate past Chairman of the Benue state tribal leaders, Chief Edward Ujege said “I think Governor Ortom is doing very well with the resources at his disposal. One thing I like about him is that he is a listening Governor. When you give him an advise he listens and analyzes it and come out with a decision and also ensures that the decision is carried. In the area of infrastructure I think he is doing his best, providing infrastructure that the resources at his disposal can accommodate and I must say that I score him high. He has been able to ensure that the state enjoys peace from armed herders compared to what used to happen before now. I think I give him a hundred percent on that. I have also seen how he is tackling the internal squabbles in our communities. Though he still has a lot to do but he is doing his best and we will continue to advise and support him to ensure that he succeeds.

Holding a different view, Benue State Publicity Secretary of the All Progressives Congress, APC, Mr. James Ornguga, said “Governor Samuel Ortom’s fifth year in office and first year of his second term does not hold so much to be celebrated. The gap between his policy document and his scorecard is very wide. This has left the governor with very little time to prove himself. Over 90% of his promises to the Benue people was not fulfilled and people are still looking up to him to brace up to the challenges.

His efforts in assenting to the open grazing prohibition and ranches establishment law is commendable but we cannot continue to dwell on the law and its efficacy for eight years while neglecting other core areas of development.

Gov Rotimi Akeredolu, Ondo

The Director of Media and Publicity of the Peoples Democratic Party,, PDP, in Ondo state, Mr Zadok Akintoye said “the Rotimi Akeredolu-led ODSG is on record as being the most divisive and electorally disconnected government since 1999. For a government that has not shown transparency, but has largely glorified nepotism, it becomes unfortunate that our state is saddled with the burden of this kind of government. We are largely Yoruba with deep cultures hinged on justice, equity and fairness but the Akeredolu administration has not been one that promotes our deep values. It’s a failed government

Gov Adegboyega Oyetola, Osun

The Olowu of Kuta, Oba Makama described Governor Adegboyega Oyetola’s first year in office as remarkable despite competing demands in the face of meagre resources. The Monarch said the governor has touched all sectors of the economy positively, especially in the areas of health, road infrastructure and Local Government administration.

The state Publicity Secretary of the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, Mr Sunday Bisi however countered saying the governor has performed below expectation almost two years into his administration. According to him, “backlog of salaries and pension arrears were still not paid. The governor has not met the expectation of the people who are suffering especially pensioners in the state.

“The administration has also bastardised the local government administration in the state, such that the third tier of government in the state is a shadow of what it used to be. The state government is using the council allocation to execute projects while the government at the grassroots has stopped performing its responsibility to the people because the state government has suffocated the councils”, he said.

Gov Kayode Fayemi, Ekiti

The Yoruba Council of Elders(YCE)

Speaking on the assessment of the administration of Dr Kayode Fayemi, Dr Kunle Olajide of the Yoruba Council of Elders said “I am yet to see any legacy project and I want him (Fayemi) to be concerned about leaving legacy projects that will stand the test of time, that is the truth. I want to believe that his responsibility as chairman of the Nigeria Governor’s Forum(NGF) has taken him away from us but he should now focus on human capital development and invest more in the health sector. You can see that people are still mentioning Chief Obafemi Awolowo after 61 years because of his legacy projects in the region”. The elder statesman then advised the governor to work in the remaining two and half years to put in place legacy projects in the state.

Gov Seyi Makinde, Oyo

In his own assessment, the Alago of Ago Are, His Royal Majesty, Oba Abodunrin Oyetunji Koworola Olakanla 11, said, the Oyo state governor has been doing well. “Honestly, the governor has been doing well and delivering on his mandate. But, we notice that COVID-19 pandemic has slowed down the spate of development he started with. We believe as soon as the pandemic is over, he will continue with his good work”.

Gov Dapo Abiodun, Ogun

Mr Ola Animashaun, Public Affairs Commentator said, “my assessment of Prince Dapo Abiodun led administration as the Governor of Ogun State in the last one year showed that he has performed a little bit well in the area of security and agriculture. At least to some extent, security of lives and property in the state has been given some commendable attention with the distribution of patrol vehicles and motorcycles to security agencies in the state. Abiodun-led government has also demonstrated some commitment to the development of the agricultural sector to engage youths gainfully and ensure that the state is safe in the area of food security.

“In the area of education, infrastructural development, housing, environment, job creation and youth development, and health, the governor needs to buckle up to make residents of the state enjoy more dividends of democracy. He should pay more attention to youth development and job creation. Workers’ welfare should also be given priority because they are the engine room of any government. Different deductions from their salaries should be remitted to appropriate quarters for their benefits.

He expressed displeasure that for one year, the state has no Commissioners for Education, as well as Information.

Governor Muhammed Badaru Abubakar, Jigawa

Assessing Governor Badaru Abubakar’s one year in his second term, Habibu Muhammad Ringim a former special adviser and close associate of the governor said Governor Badaru has done well for his respect to the rule of law, and the cordial working relationship with the legislature, judiciary and workers as he paid their salaries and other entitlements as at when due.

According to him, “Badaru is truly a leader determined to take the state to the promised land. He uplifted the people especially those in rural communities through revival of agriculture. He executed quite a number of developmental projects in the state apart from his policy of continuity in governance where he completed road projects he inherited from his predecessor worth billions of naira.

Comrade Umar Danjani, a former aide to former Jigawa state governor, Sule Lamido,in his own assessment however said, “as an indigene of Jigawa state and a stakeholder in the state politics, APC led Badaru Abubakar is the worst government ever since 1999, as the administration has lost focus, human sympathy and betrayed the trust of the electorates.

“It was the Covid-19 pandemic that stopped him from his incessant travels to China without any impact to the state. Since his election five years ago, this is the first time Governor Badaru stayed in Jigawa state for three consecutive weeks, he hardly spent even weekends in the state capital as a governor, but the coronavirus has compelled him to stay without his wish.

“All the infrastructural developmental projects initiated by the PDP led Sule Lamido’s administration have suffered serious neglect from Badaru’s regime. For instance, the multi-billion naira state secretariat complex is in total dilapidation and even the state capital Dutse is now littered with heaps of refuse as most residents now pay private refuse collectors to evacuate their waste.

Ishaq Hussaini Madobi, a community leader, in his own view described Governor Badaru as a bridge builder who has the habit of carrying everybody along irrespective of political differences, while he embarked on road constructions and rehabilitation across the state apart from his concern for the walfare of workers.

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